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Sci Fest

The USA Science & Engineering Festival teamed with Passage Productions and got really creative with this event. Sci Fest was built to look fantastical as a way to spark wonder and curiosity in K-12 students. The exterior lobby was designed as a portal. Once you entered this portal you were transported to a world of color and vigor! The lobby even had trees infused into the environment. It is reminiscent of the Singapore airport waterfall giving it a true feel of a scientific museum. It’s where Dr Who meets Willy Wonka meets Disney! The ‘Exhibit Portal’ in the lobby had icons that took you to the different exhibit halls related to themes such as chemistry, energy, health & medicine, etc. Each exhibit hall had its own design to match the theme! If you were in the natural sciences hall you felt like you were Indiana Jones. Whereas in aerospace you feel like Star trek is a reality not far away. They even had specific rooms to showcase women in science and aviation. And of course the content was just amazing to go with the topics and themes. Attendees could save every document, brochure, presentation, video that caught their interest to a virtual backpack.