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In This Together

In This Together is a response to the social unrest events during 2020. It aims to create awareness among the local business community on the increasing role of Corporate America in promoting racial and ethnic equity as a business imperative to build a more equitable society. This was a strategically thought out space that facilitated networking among attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. The exhibit hall featured numerous virtual booths with extensive knowledge on the brand and direct links to their career pages. They made excellent use of matchmaking sessions which were 1:1 coordinated meetings, in addition to hosting a coffee and dessert session. This initiative allowed people to engage in conversations and simply relax with industry peers. They used the leaderboard to encourage attendees to discover the virtual venue in detail. Plus they made sure to get instant feedback with a survey right in the platform. An event that truly brought people together with its well thought out structure and fantastic use of features and integrations.
